Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day One: A Day of Surprises

Baptism in the Pacific with Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion
Baptism in the Pacific Ocean at the July 4th gathering of Frisco Bible Church and Comunidad Internacioanal de Adoracion at Playa Panama, near Liberia, Costa Rica. 

Your Frisco Bible Mission team arrived on schedule this afternoon in Liberia, Costa Rica, and met with a several surprises.

1) Pastor Jesse Jimenez, of Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion, who was slated to be out of the country during our visit, surprised and delighted us all by coming home to Liberia.
2) On the bus from the airport, our leader, Brian Behrman, told us to get our swimsuits on once we arrived at the hotel.
3) The local church threw a party for us at Playa Panama, a beach on an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.
4) At the party, a number of local believers were baptized in the Pacific.
5) Our brothers and sisters in Christ treated us to a dinner on the beach including nachos. hot dogs and potato salad. The latter two items were in honor of our Independence Day.

Teens played football and futbol (soccer) on the beach and in the water. Everyone mingled and made new friends, and we didn't leave until it was so dark that people had to use their cell phone flashlights to find their belongings.

After a bus ride back to El Sitio Hotel, we held a meeting to debrief the day, get our schedule and assignments for Sunday, and to pray.

Tomorrow the Frisco folks will lead the teaching in the worship service, Sunday School and some special sessions after lunch. Pray that we would preach with power, that the message would be clear, and that the Holy Spirit would be pleased to glorify Christ through it all.
Pastor Jesse Jimenez and other members of Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion baptize believers in the Pacific Ocean on July 4, the first day of the Frisco Bible Church mission to Liberia, Costa Rica. 

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