Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 5: Meeting the Neighbors in Capulin

Aron kicks a futbol through an obstacle course as Dylan, Andres, Tristan and Michele await their turns during Wednesday's vacation bible school in Capulin, Costa Rica with Frisco Bible Church and Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion. 

Every morning and afternoon, while most of the Frisco Bible Church team and our friends from Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion (the church in Capulin) are leading children in games, and crafts and stories from the Bible, two smaller groups fan out in the Capulin neighborhood around the church. Yesterday, I got to be part of this door to door evangelism.

Noah, Nixon, Jessica, Scott and Adam after several hours of sharing the gospel of Jesus door-to-door in Capulin. The building in the background is directly across the street from the church building. 

Evangelism team on dirt road, visiting from house to house. 

Nearly everyone we met was willing to speak with us, with the exception of one man who said he wasn't interested in Jesus because he believes in evolution. Noah, Jessica, Adam and I took turns speaking with the neighbors, with crucial help from our translator, Nixon, the son of Pastor Jesse Jimenez. We offered a simple "good news/bad news" presentation of the gospel, explaining that we are sinners and the punishment for sin is death (eternal separation from God), but that God sent his only Son, Jesus, to pay the price for sin by his death on the cross, and then he rose from the dead, giving us hope.
Jessica explains the gospel to a lady who we met right across the street from the church building, as Noah plays with her grandchild. 

Those we met ranged from a college student, to a store owner, to a young mother, to grandmother in a relatively nice home, to an elderly woman whose children had abandoned her. The latter, though she lived in a rundown home on a trash-strewn lot, near several other shacks, told us that she had trusted in Christ, and so she was never really alone.
Jessica and Nixon speak with Maria, who told us she had trusted Jesus and that meant God was with her all of the time, even though her own children had abandoned her decades ago. 

This alley, next to Maria's house, held two shacks, some above-ground plumbing and a number of chickens and dogs. The man in the background apparently lives in that shack. 
Maria and Jessica pose for a picture. Maria was completely engaged in Jessica's explanation of the gospel, and agreed with all of it. She was a real joy to meet, and an example of the sufficiency of Christ in the midst of pain, loneliness and poverty. 

The college student also said he knows Jesus as savior.

The others listened intently, sometimes asking questions, sometimes expressing concerns. The young mother told us she used to go to church but that her sinful choices made her think that God was distant from her. While Adam and Nixon assured her of the forgiving love of Jesus, Jessica sat on the porch with two young children, sharing with them a simple explanation of how we must be saved. Later, those children came to the plaza for our vacation bible school.

Although rain and lightning storms were forecast for noon, VBS started at 1:30 p.m. under beautiful skies and ended without weather incident. Thanks be to God.

Shane helped children make bracelets with multicolored beads, each portraying an aspect of the gospel, as she explained what each meant.
Frisco Bible team member Shane (in hat) helps children make beaded bracelets that portray a simple explanation of the gospel of Christ.

Stephanie demonstrated how Jesus washes our sin away with a pitcher of water, some red dye and another pitcher of bleach which made the dye vanish, as she explained the gospel. Pastor Jesse enthusiastically led the children through a three-legged race, while on the other side of the field, Martin played games with them using a "futbol Americano" and a "real" futbol (soccer). Our skit yesterday, portrayed the crucifixion of Jesus.

As with each previous day, a number of parents gathered to watch the children, and to listen to the gospel stories. One even asked Stephanie if she could video record the presentation on her cell phone, and of course Stephanie said yes.

Adam seems to have recovered well and his lacerations didn't slow him down yesterday. Manuel, who had the kidney stone incident, was back in action yesterday, with a fresh supply of medication, and a smile. Thank you to all who are prayer for this mission.

The night ended with a youth-oriented worship service at the church.

Here are some more pictures.
Frisco Bible team member Ben with Jorge and Roy. The boys quickly picked up the basics of throwing and catching that alien futbol Americano. 

Roy celebrates a touchdown in familiar futbol Americano style. Ben did not have to teach him this maneuver. 
Hermanos: Zac and Jonah, joke around with their new friends from Capulin in the universal language of "bunny ears."

Maria shows off some new decorations she received at our "face" painting station. She's the daughter of Rodolfo our bus driver, who along with his wife, Milagro, has become part of our mission team family. They are invariably cheerful people. 
Michelle, our missions team member, "sacrifices" her body for the cause. The young Costa Rican artist clearly loves her "canvas.
Team member Ally decorates a happy Costa Rican girl at the "face" painting station at vacation bible school. As Ally is a Texas resident, it's not clear what that strange hat is all about.
Texas flags are quite popular this week, as Ally's young friend, Carlos shows. 
The Costa Ricans we have met are generally very affectionate people. Jonah gets a big hug from boy while walking in the neighborhood, sharing the gospel. (By the way, That's the road they're standing on.)

Dancers at last night's youth-oriented worship service at the church. Worship at Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion includes a lot of dancing, and joy. 

Vacation bible school closed yesterday with a dramatic portrayal of the crucifixion of Jesus. The children were attentive, and so were many of their parents, who were sitting nearby.

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