Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 2: Praising God in Two Languages with One Heart

Members of Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion prepare for worship each week by praying, and singing together for an hour, gathered like a family in a circle. In the foreground, many of the people from the Frisco Bible Church mission team joined them in prayer.
Your Frisco Bible Church mission team spent much of the day in prayer, singing praise to Jesus, and listening to his Word from the Bible with our brothers and sisters in Christ from the church in Liberia, Costa Rica. Here are some pictures to give you a sense of the day.
Our day began at the Best Western Hotel, El Sitio, where we prepared ourselves with prayer, teaching from God's Word and singing together to Jesus. We also reviewed the planned events of the day, which included lunch at the church building, and teaching sessions in the afternoon.

Ben, in striped shirt, leads the mission team in a brief study of the love of God. The piece of paper in the foreground demonstrates his preparation for this 10-minute devotional. Ben, like the other members of this team, takes his responsibility like the calling from God that it is.
Ally, one of the mission team youth, shares her moving testimony of salvation and of walking with Jesus, as Tyler translates. 
This is a fun team, and they bring joy to everything they do.

Our Costa Rican brothers and sisters insisted on seating us in places of honor, and serving lunch to us. After lunch, we mingled together and had a terrific time of fellowship. Although the language barrier is high, there are enough bilingual Costa Ricans and a few semi-bilingual Americans to make communication work. Even without translation, the love of Christ is a our common bond and breaks down the wall.

In the evening, we gathered at the church building again to watch the women's World Cup futbol (soccer) game, and to enjoy Papa John's pizza and salad together. As you can see, some of us had taken sides in the battle between USA and Japan. 
Of course, our Costa Rican friends cheered for los Estados Unidos as well. Evaluna loved waving her American flag. 
Our day ended back at the hotel where we reviewed the day's events, prepared for the start of vacation bible school, and prayed together.


  1. Hola hermanos de Frisco Bible. My wife Jana & I are praying for your ministry to the brothers and sisters of Liberia. What an encouragement you guys must be to all. We are praying for each day to be fruitful.
    Hola hermano Tyler, que bueno la traduccion! Estaba orando para ti hermano. Saludos a Wendy Y Steve tambien!

    1. That you, John. It means a lot to know that you and Jana are praying for us. We have been blessed, indeed.

  2. Hola hermanos de Frisco Bible. My wife Jana & I are praying for your ministry to the brothers and sisters of Liberia. What an encouragement you guys must be to all. We are praying for each day to be fruitful.
    Hola hermano Tyler, que bueno la traduccion! Estaba orando para ti hermano. Saludos a Wendy Y Steve tambien!
