Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 6: So Hard to Say Goodbye

Thursday we shared our final day with the children and parents of Capulin -- playing field games in the morning, vacation bible school in the afternoon, and a fiesta in the evening at the church. 

Our leader, Brian Behrman, encouraged us to give our all and "leave it all on the field," and that's just what your Frisco Bible Team endeavored to do. A rain storm threatened VBS, but lasted only a few minutes.

Saying goodbye after VBS, and then again after the fiesta was a bitter-sweet time, with tears. The children repeatedly asked if we would return next year. 

The church was packed for the evening fiesta, which was full of surprises, including a troupe of traditional Costa Rican dancers, games, poetry, the singing of our respective national anthems, and of course, lots of dancing to the music of a local quartet that included trumpet, trombone, and two drums. A birthday cake marked the 13th anniversary of Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion. 

So much happens in the course of one day here among 33 Frisco Bible Church members, our Costa Rican Christian friends and the many people we meet, that there's no way to convey it all in a blog post...nor perhaps in a book.

One moment clings to my memory. A woman approached me and, in Spanish expressed gratitude for all we had done for the children of Capulin, many of whom have a variety of "social" problems in their lives, she said. I asked her if she knew Christ as her savior, and she said she did, then told me about some very serious medical problems she's having. My friend, and translator, Carlos and I took her to Stephanie, my wife, who prayed for healing for Jacqueline. There were tears all around. Later than night, she came to the church for the fiesta, and although her condition didn't allow her to dance, seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. Other team members can tell many other such personal stories.

I hope these few pictures can give you a sense of the work, and the relationships and the joy we experienced yesterday in Capulin. 

Shane (right) shares the gospel with Cecelia as Nixon translates into Spanish, and the porcine sentinel lays down on the job. [See next photo]

Later that same day, Cecelia came to our vacation bible school to help share the gospel with the children -- seen here with Rachel, Shannon and Raquel.
One of our daily door-to-door evangelism crews: (left to right) Noah B., Daniela, Shane, Steve, Adam. Our teams visited nearly every house in the neighborhood that surrounds the church this week. 

Jessica's new friends, met during house to house evangelism in Capulin. Nuria, in the pink shirt, and one of her daughters prayed to receive Christ for eternal life. 

Two men who trusted Christ yesterday, together with the Frisco Bible Church who shared the gospel with them: (left to right), Kathy, Joey, Isabelle, Noah C. and Paul.

Paul, Noah C. and Ally with a group of children at vacation bible school. The gospel was presented in a variety of ways this week in Capulin in an effort make sure each child could hear and understand and have an opportunity to respond. On the right in the teal blouse, is Raquel, one of our translators from the local church. 
Joey inflates one of many beach balls we used in games. 
Here's a game we played with the beach balls -- a variation of soccer (futbol) in which you can use your hands, and which has very few rules. 
Thousands of bubbles filled the air in Capulin this week, to the delight of all. 
Pastor Jesse Jimenez prays with the children after a dramatic portrayal of the resurrection of Jesus portrayed by the Frisco Bible Church team, and translated by Jesse's son, Nixon. 
A relay race in which the children were supposed to trap the ball between them. Smiling Steven (really Ignacio Esteban), is doing it right. His partner is cheating, which cost them time, and ultimately handed the victory to 'los mujeres' -- the women. 
Marta, our sister from the local church, was perpetually serving. Here, she helps relieve the pain of a headache for one of our Frisco Bible Church team members. 
Michelle shares her story of faith and assurance in Christ to more than 100 people, many of whom came to the church for the first time. Tyler provided the translation, as he did tirelessly this week for all who needed him. 
Texans demonstrate a line dance for our Costa Rican friends.
Zac says goodbye to Ignacio Steven In the background, Noah C. Pastor Jesse and Tyler also mingle among the departing children, during the final moments of VBS.
Brenna gets a final hug from Isabela. Her aunt, Fatima, came to VBS everyday with her, and she and 5 family members attended the fiesta at the church last night. 
Frisco Bible 'gringos' with a couple of 'Ticos' (slang for Costa Ricans) at last night's fiesta. [Front, left to right] Isabelle, Emma, Jonah, Nadxelli, Joey, Josh. [Back] Shane, Nixon (looking distracted) Ben, Sarah.
Noah poses with his Capulin friends for a final photo. 
Stephanie and Noemi became close friends as sisters in Christ this week.
Melissa K, Nixon and Jessica, with two new sisters in Christ who received eternal life in Jesus during our door to door evangelism. 

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