Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 3: Things Go Just as God Planned

According to our official mission schedule, we were to lead a vacation bible school (VBS) in the morning for younger children, and in the afternoon for older children. When we arrived at the field, in a very poor Liberia neighborhood called Capulin, the gate was locked, and no children were there. While the leaders worked out the field issue with the recreation department, we fanned out in the neighborhood, going house to house, speaking with parents and inviting them to send their children to our "festival."

In a very short time, we had a growing group of children at a field outside of the gate. A goat, a ewe and a calf grazed in the weeds next to the patchy dirt and grass field outside of the gate. We shifted the plan to playing games in the morning, then inviting the children back for the afternoon. It was amazing how quickly the boys picked up the strange act of throwing and catching an American football.

Back on the bus, we went to the church for lunch, and then returned to the fields, hopeful that the Lord had worked out the logistical challenges.

The hand of our God was with us, and the children returned in larger numbers to enjoy a series of activities and Bible stories about the miracles of Jesus. The program ended with a skit about Jesus feeding thousands of people with but a few loaves of bread and fish. The children listened attentively...as did a dozen or so parents seated nearby.

It was moving to see how returning team members were greeted by children who remembered them from last year.

After VBS, we returned to the hotel to prepare for dinner at a local restaurant, where we were joined by Pastor Jesse Jimenez and a number of other members of Comunidad Internacional de Adoracion, the church in Liberia, Costa Rica. Like most other meals, it consisted of rice, beans, salad plus a choice of chicken, beef, fish or pork chop. Delicious.

The day ended by the hotel pool as we sang praises to Jesus, shared stories of the day, prayed and set plans for tomorrow. As the Scriptures say, Man makes his plans, but the Lord directs the steps.

Children of Capulin, play parachute games.

For our craft on Monday, the children made prayer journals, which started with Acts 16:31 which proclaims the gospel as simply as possible: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...

Lining up by age groups before starting vacation bible school activities. 

A calf grazed on slim pickins near the VBS field. 

Jose prepares to catch that strange pointy ball, as Andres looks on. In the background, Caleb throws a perfect spiral. 

Wendy Reunion: They met last year, and the younger Wendy (in pink on the right) was excited to see her VBS leader and friend again. Jimena, the little one, also had a great time, although she was not impressed with the photographer. 

Dos Mamas watched from their gate, across the dirt road from the vacation bible school field. Later, they joined us and watched the dramatic presentation of Jesus' miracles. 

Our event was effectively guarded by this goat. 

When our schedule unexpectedly changed. Mission team members fanned out through the streets of Capulin, inviting parents to send their children to VBS. We didn't knock on doors, but merely stood outside saying, "Buenas" (short for "buenas dias," or good day) until someone came to the door.

Children gather at the edge of the soccer field, preparing to watch a dramatic presentation of the miracles of Jesus. 
Members of the Frisco Bible Church mission team act out the Biblical scene where Jesus feeds 5,000 with a few loaves and fish, and they have plenty left over afterward. Jesus always provides abundantly more than we can ask or imagine, but not always in the way we expect. Both children and adults learned this Monday in Capulin.


  1. Awesome pictures! Sounds like the recruiting effort worked ! Praying for an even bigger crowd today. Love that hat Wendy with your little friends.

  2. Awesome pictures! Sounds like the recruiting effort worked ! Praying for an even bigger crowd today. Love that hat Wendy with your little friends.
