Monday, June 29, 2015

Elders Commission Team for Costa Rica Mission

Frisco Bible Church elders on Sunday (6/28) commissioned Costa Rica mission team members during each of the three morning worship services, laying on hands and praying that the Lord Jesus might be glorified in the work.

Sunday afternoon, the team held its final preparation meeting, reviewing details of the trip, and of the work we'll be doing in country, and praying again for the Lord's leadership in the endeavor.

Saturday morning, we'll board a plane at DFW bound for Liberia, Costa Rica. We appreciate all of the many people who have prayed for us and contributed financially to the mission.

Each of us will carry Spanish-launguage Bibles for distribution during the week of July 4-11, as well as items needed for Vacation Bible School -- yes, we're carrying Bibles and bubbles.

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