Monday, June 29, 2015

Elders Commission Team for Costa Rica Mission

Frisco Bible Church elders on Sunday (6/28) commissioned Costa Rica mission team members during each of the three morning worship services, laying on hands and praying that the Lord Jesus might be glorified in the work.

Sunday afternoon, the team held its final preparation meeting, reviewing details of the trip, and of the work we'll be doing in country, and praying again for the Lord's leadership in the endeavor.

Saturday morning, we'll board a plane at DFW bound for Liberia, Costa Rica. We appreciate all of the many people who have prayed for us and contributed financially to the mission.

Each of us will carry Spanish-launguage Bibles for distribution during the week of July 4-11, as well as items needed for Vacation Bible School -- yes, we're carrying Bibles and bubbles.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

One Week to Lift Off: Keep Praying

Sunday (6/28/15) the elders at Frisco Bible Church will commission the team for this mission to Costa Rica in each of the three morning worship services. We'll then hold our final training and information meeting before next Saturday's departure.

We have invested time during our training sessions in getting to know each other, sharing our stories of coming to faith in Christ, reviewing the itinerary and logistics for our mission, even preparing craft projects for the children in Vacation Bible School.

Most importantly, we have prayed and fasted -- together with Comunidad Internacional de AdoraciĆ³n, the Costa Rican church -- to prepare ourselves for the work to which the Lord Jesus has called us.

We rejoice that the expenses of the mission are fully funded, thanks to the generosity of many at Frisco Bible and beyond, and we look forward to this adventure of faith. Still, we crave your prayers as we set out.

Pray that...
  • The Lord Jesus would be glorified in all that we say and do.
  • The local church would be blessed by our presence.
  • We would learn from our Costa Rican brothers and sisters, and grow in our faith.
  • Children and adults would believe in Jesus for eternal life.
  • Frisco Bible Church would find renewed zeal for evangelism and missions.